2nd International Conference Primary Education Pivotal Literature and Research"Primary Education in Pandemic Era"
IC PEOPLE UNNES 2021 | August, 23th 2021 | PGSD FIP UNNES, Semarang, Indonesia | Support by Zoom Conference
Basic education in this digital era is currently very important and more exciting to discuss. This international conference aims to provide an overview of general conditions regarding the development of basic education across generations, provide an overview of current issues and the development of world basic education programs, provide a map of basic education concepts in the digital era, and answers to global constraints and challenges to compete in the era of modern technology. Our international conference takes the topic of Primary education in the digital era. We expect that the forum could give significant contributions to the issues related to Character Education, Media on Learning, Literacy Education, Education Research and Development, Art Education, and Teacher Competencies.
Material of Speakers
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*Note: Registration Opened on 21 June 2021
Keynote Speakers
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