Abstract and Full Paper Template

In accordance with a predetermined date, as the speakers you can send a paper by first logging in. You can add paper through the "File" menu → "Proposed Paper". The review process will be done via this system, not via email.


Registration Process 

For Presenters and Co-Presenters

For Paper Presenter Registration is done with the following stages:

1.     Click Registration and choose the participant type (Presenter or Co-Presenter). Both Presenter and Co-Presenter should register individually to be eligible for the presentation.

2.     Ensure the email address is valid to receive registration info to log in to your account.

3.     Use the account information (username and password) to login at the conference site. 

Abstract submission

1.     Login this site then submit abstract via the Documents -> Paper Submitted then Submit a New Paper.

2.     Choose “Abstract” in Paper Category.

3.     Once the abstract is received, it will be notified through email.

4.     Make a payment once the abstract is accepted for presentation. Only the Main Presenter should make the payment, allowing all the involved co-presenters to be eligible for the presentation. 

5.     See the Payment Method for the instruction.

6.     If the payment has been validated, upload the full paper in Documents before the specified deadline.


For Participants (Non-Presenter)

Registration is done with the following stages:

1.     Click Registration and choose the participant type (Participant).

2.     Ensure the email address is valid to receive registration info to log in to your account.

3.     Use the account information (username and password) to login at the conference site.

4.     Make a payment once to complete the registration.

5.     See the Payment Method for the instruction.

6.     If the payment has been validated, the receipt is sent through email.

Payment Method

To make the payment both as a presenter or a participant, you should open your user page after successfully login into your account. Please follow the steps below:

1.     Click Administration Menu and choose Payment information. Then click Process the Payment on your account to show the following notification. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pr12D9N-6jHByRfH1oqopZ6TTkmNT2O4/view

2.     The detailed information of your payment will be sent automatically to your email.

3.     Follow the instruction as stated in the email.

4.     Use your Virtual Account (VA) number to process the payment in BNI channels.

5.     After the payment made, it will be automatically validated by the system.

6.     The receipt will be sent to your email once the payment is considered as success.

7.     Should you have any further inquiries, contact the administrator.