A. Introduction
The International Conference on Law, Conservation, and Sustainable Development (ICCONSIST) 2024 stands as a significant convergence point for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers dedicated to addressing the complex intersections of law, society, and digital technology. As digital technology continues to revolutionize various aspects of human life and societal functions, it also presents unprecedented challenges and opportunities, particularly in the realms of law and conservation.

This year’s theme, "Law and Society: Problems and Challenges in the Digital Era," is a response to the growing need to understand and navigate the transformative impacts of digital technologies. These impacts span across legal frameworks, societal norms, environmental conservation, human rights, and social welfare. The conference will serve as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, critical analysis, and the sharing of innovative solutions to the pressing issues faced in these domains.

The digital era presents both challenges and opportunities. While it offers tools for greater efficiency, transparency, and inclusivity, it also raises issues of cybersecurity, privacy, digital equity, and the potential for technological misuse. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, ICCONSIST 2024 aims to foster comprehensive discussions and generate actionable insights that can guide policy, practice, and further research.

The conference is designed to encourage collaboration among various stakeholders, including academics, legal practitioners, and policymakers. Through speaker sessions and paper presentations, participants will have the opportunity to engage deeply with the theme and subthemes, share their research findings, and discuss innovative approaches to leveraging digital technology for societal good and sustainable conservation. ICCONSIST 2024 promises to be a landmark event that not only highlights current problems and challenges but also envisions future pathways for integrating digital technologies into legal and societal frameworks to promote equity, sustainability, and justice in the digital age.

 B.  Theme and Subtheme
The theme for International Conference on Conservation and Sustainability (ICCONSIST) 2024 will be: “Law and Society: Problems and Challenges in the Digital Era” with these subtheme:
I. Digital technology and human rights and gender equity
II. Digital technology and the law enforcement
III. Digital technology and democracy
IV. Digital technology and social welfare
V. Digital technology and conservation
VI. Indonesian society, digital technology and sharia law

C. The Attendees
1.  Students of Law Faculty of UNNES
2. Academics of Law Faculty of UNNES
3. Lecturers from Law Faculty in Indonesia

D. The Speakers
1.Prof. Dr. R Benny Riyanto, M.Hum. (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
2.Dr. Indah Sri Utari, S.H., M.Hum. (Universitas Negeri Semarang)
3.Associate Prof. Roziya Binti Abu (Universiti Teknologi MARA)
4.Dr. Tronel Joubert (Tilburg University)
5.Associate Prof. Eric Alan Jones (Northern Illinois University)

E. Details of the Event
The event will be held hybrid (online and onsite) through zoom meeting and at the Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang with the details as follows:
i. Tuesday, 30th July 2024: Speaker sessions
ii. Wednesday, 31th July 2024: Paper presentation